Business Insurance
As a business owner we know how important protecting your business is. Whether you own a construction company, a restaurant, a boutique, a real estate office, let OP Insurance be your expert when it comes to proper insurance protection. From workers compensation, to general liability, to commercial auto coverage, to bonds, our producers work with hundreds of insurance carriers to find the coverage your business needs.

Any business that has paid employees is required by the state of California to carry workers compensation insurance. The insurance protects both the employer and the employee of a business. It assures that injured employees receive proper medical care and compensation if injured while on the job and additionally protects employers from lawsuits filed by their employees from injuries at work.

General liability insurance, sometimes known commercial liability insurance or business liability insurance protects your business against many known and unknown risks. Coverages include bodily injury and/or property damage to others, up to the limits of your policy.

Should you own a vehicle used primarily for business operations, commercial auto coverage protects you and your employees. Whether you are a small or large business, we can provide options that will cover you and your business properly.

Errors and omissions (E&O), also known as professional liability insurance helps protect you in the event a client is harmed from a service or advice you provided, for which you are held liable.

Protect your own physical property and business equipment against loss from theft, fire or other perils…

This coverage is designed to insure your equipment, tools, and materials, while at the job site, in transit, or at your office. Most commonly used by contractors and manufacturers, an inland marine policy protects your equipment from theft, fire, and other perils.

A commercial umbrella or excess policy is written over one or more primary liability policies. The excess or umbrella limits would take effect after your underlying policy limits are exhausted.

Provide financial guarantees that contracts and other business deals will be completed according to mutual terms. They protect consumers and government entities from fraud and malpractice. Should the principal (business owner) break the bond’s terms, the harmed party can make a claim on the bond to recover the loss.